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MooMapper Beta 0.90

Autor: KCow
Downloadgröße: 0.76 MB
Verursachter Traffic: 2.9 GB
Online seit: 03.07.2003 um 17:56 Uhr
Letzter Download: 04.03.2023 um 15:46 Uhr
Aufrufe: 6.266
Downloads: 3.916
0% bei 1097 Bewertungen
Der erste "richtige" Karteneditor für GTA VC mit dem ihr wirklich etwas verändern könnt.
Update 0.80:

Loading on demand added, so is far far faster in texture mode
Unloading when not viewing to save memory now implemented
3D view selection now works properly (double click on 3d view to select)
Dat entry added in correct position
Updated IDE definitions and values (thanks to ODIE)
Added border to startup form to make it look neater
Increased loading speed for models and text files
Fixed possible access violation when calculating normals
Fixed the mouse wheel zooming 3d view when mouse not over 3d view
Initial positions of dialogs changed slightly
Lighting without textures now easier on the eyes
Update 0.82:

Fixed problem of invisible objects for many people
New item now centers at screen center
Adding dffs or txds to archive would sometimes break things
Path section in the editor dialog re-added
New IPL and IDE files now save properly
Update 0.90:

Written documentation and brief tutorial
Added support for TObj (time specified) objects
Background radar can be displayed
Selecting from 3D view now selects list item (so delete works)

MooMapper Beta 0.90

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