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Erster Mod erschienen und Patch in Aussicht

06.12.2008 um 21:07 Uhr
Gerade mal vier Tage ist GTA: IV nun für den PC erhältlich und schon gab es einen Modder der es geschafft hat aus der Standartwaffe der Glock einen Raketenwerfer zu basteln. Den Mod findet ihr hier:

Rocket Glock

Ausserdem teilte Rockstar Games mit, dass der erste Patch für die PC Version bereits auf dem Weg sei und demnächst releast werden würde. Folgende Probleme könnten damit behoben werden:

Patch Is On The Way
We are working on making a patch available in the next few days. Since Grand Theft Auto IV is a Games For Windows – Live game the patch must be certified by Microsoft before release. The patch is already at Microsoft and we expect a speedy approval. The patch contains a variety of fixes including:

- A fix to the crash after legal screen that some German customers were reporting.
- Numerous improvements to the video editor: Smarter naming of videos, improved rendering quality, better fx during replays
- Fix to bowling while using certain sensitive mice
-Fix for ATI 1900 shadows
- Overall savings to memory
- Graphic improvements to particle systems and mirrors
- Multiplayer character settings are preserved
- Support for DirectInput controllers. Note: The current hack way of supporting these controllers may not work with the improved functionality. So we recommend you remove the hack before upgrading to the patch.

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